Children will work on achieving the following core skills:
- Answer 2 water safety questions, enter the pool safely
- Using a woggle swim 5 Meters front and back paddle
- Push and Glide on Front and Back
- Return to standing from a star float on the back
- Travel under a woggle bridge through shower of water
- Using a woggle or float attempt a simultaneous circle arm action with legs while on back for 2 meters
- Perform assisted treading water action
- Exit the pool safely and unassisted
- Enter the pool safely with a step or jump
- Swim 2 meters front and back paddle unaided
- Demonstrate Front and Back Crawl arm action standing
- Use woggle to kick across the pool blowing bubbles
- Rotate from back float to front float and return to back
- Push and Glide on Front and Back
- Submerge under the water and retrieve an object
- Step or jump into pool, turn and swim back to side
- Push and Glide into Front crawl, Back crawl, or Breaststroke, then swim for 5 metres
- Perform a Star float on front or back for 3 Seconds
- Dolphin leg kicks on front or back for 2 meters
- Scull head first using a woggle, Treadwater for 10 seconds
- Swim forwards for 2m roll onto back and swim backwards for 2m before rolling to standing
- Attempt Breaststroke